Byron Norrod

Byron Norrod

Byron and Cathy Norrod are the hosts for the CBCG Pasadena, CA, congregation and have been married for 31 years.  Byron (raised in the church of God and baptized in 1983) and Cathy (introduced to the church of God in 1977 and was baptized in 1981) graduated from Ambassador College in 1987 and 1986, respectively.  They have two adult children: Byron II and Caylee, both of whom live in the Pasadena area.  B2 gave his parents great joy last year when he was baptized at 27.  Byron is semi-retired but works in real estate, and Cathy is a massage therapist at an upper-class day spa.  Their hobbies include family, gardening, wine-making, chickens, walking, brain puzzlers, and the out-of-doors.  But their passion is learning of God and serving Him and his children.

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