Welcome to the Feast of Tabernacles - 2022

Christian Biblical Church of God Dec 15, 2022
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  • Welcome to the Feast of Tabernacles

    (Opening Night) - By Fred R. Coulter—October 9, 2022

  • Greetings, brethren! Welcome to the Feast of Tabernacles!


    My oh my, how time flies! I guess the old saying is true: ‘The older you get, the faster time goes.’ I look back on my first Feast of Tabernacles in 1961; how about that? That was 61 years ago! Every year when we keep the Feast of Tabernacles, we learn more about what we are to do.


    It’s very interesting that Jesus said, ‘It sufficient that the disciple becomes as his teacher.’ I want you to think about that! That’s what God wants us to do.


    Let’s look at some Scriptures. We will cover the things of the commands of the Feast of Tabernacles tomorrow in the message. But we know we are to keep it on the 15th day of the 7th month for seven days, and the Last Great Day is the 8th day.


    • Why are we here?

    • What does this have to do with Christianity and God’s plan?

    There’s hardly anyone in the world who knows anything about the plan of God!

    • Why?

    1. they don’t keep the Sabbath

    2. they don’t keep the Passover and Holy Days

    3. they don’t have the Spirit of God so they are not taught of God


    Let’s go back and I want you to think about when you first came into the Church.


    All of the fall Feast Days for 2022 on The Truth of God Podcast.