Weekly Live Sabbath Services

Christian Biblical Church of God Feb 28, 2023
19 People Read

Live Services Every Saturday- Watch our live Sabbath services here every Saturday
1:30 PM (Pacific) 4:30 PM (Eastern) UTC 20:30 

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All teachings of the Christian Biblical Church of God come directly from the Scriptures and are not derived from the traditions of men. We genuinely believe in the original Protestant declaration, Solo Scriptura"the Scriptures only"!

In order to facilitate the believer's study of the Scriptures, the CBCG has produced hundreds of audio and video studies, dozens of booklets and articles, and a number of full-length books—all freely available through our websites. Please download our catalog for a complete list of the study materials we offer. We have also published a one-of-a-kind Bible designed to make the study of the Scriptures easier and more meaningful (see link below).

The name Christian Biblical Church of God is descriptive of our beliefs and practices:
Christian: We believe and practice the teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the New Testament—as we are to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Jesus instructs us to love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, and mind; we are to love our neighbors as ourselves; we are to love each other as Jesus loved us; and we are to love our enemies. Each Christian is to develop a relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ through a life of loving obedience and daily prayer and Bible study. We believe that a true Christian's faith should be relevant—that their walk with God should provide real solutions to everyday problems and positively impact those around them.