Unto Life-Into The Death With Christ

Christian Biblical Church of God Mar 21, 2023
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GTM - Unto Life-Into The Death With Christ - Albert Jones - March 11, 2023

Albert Jones: 

     Blessed Sabbath to everyone. We are getting closer to Passover.

(Christian Passover Book)So, we can feel it in the air; this reflects what we do this time of year as we prepare for the Spring Holy Day season. The spring Holy Days are essential to us in several ways. Mainly, of course, what they represent, but also from the fact that we've come through an incredibly long period of drought, if you will, and darkness through these Winter Months and the holidays of this world, going back to October and so forth with the holidays of this world.

     And so, as we come into the Spring Holy Day, we are very excited to be renewed in our covenant with Christ, to be restored in our relationship and strengthen our relationship with the father, and to reflect on all those beautiful things they have done in our lives. So indeed, our existence and our salvation are in Christ. So, for the first scripture today pertaining to the subject, I hope to help us to comprehend a little bit closer the relationship that we have with Jesus Christ in this covenantal bond that we have there. And it is a vital bond without which we would be floundering; in the wind, we would not have the covering. We would not have the protection that we need. 

     So, the person we are, the person we have become, is a direct result of our relationship with Christ. The perfection we aspire to is directly related to our connection to Christ. Even access to God to Father is essential to that connection to Christ, without which we cannot have that connection. 

     Now, Lyle Johnston, last night, gave the foundational aspect of this relationship that I'm going to build upon today.

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