Understanding Our Way

Christian Biblical Church of God Jan 03, 2023
36 People Read

Understanding Our Way, by Eduardo Elizondo

Are you getting to know God? This is what he wants, God wants to give us wisdom because without God we are choosing the way that leads to death.

This bible study topic or this message is titled "Understanding Our Way."

 We are going to cover Proverbs Twenty so let's go there. Proverbs Twenty and verse Twenty Four. We will be spending a lot of time in the book of Proverbs. We will talk a lot about understanding our way of wisdom, and we want to take it from a different perspective. 

Because in the past, it had to do with understanding our way, and we know our learning and the practices of God, but understanding our own way is always challenging. It's always difficult, especially in these times when so many things are happening.

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