Two Mikes with Fred Coulter

Christian Biblical Church of God Dec 15, 2022
20 People Read

Two Mikes with Fred Coulter - Podcast #3

*Network Radio

     Hey, welcome back here with the two Mikes. Doctor Michael Scheuer, and Colonel Mike. (

     I just want to say this, and I think this is his third visit with us; we’ve had a lot of requests to have him back on, and he's welcome to come back anytime. Fred Coulter, who's with us again today. We're happy to have him with us, and Fred has been very nice, and his organization has sent me many books, as well as Mike, got a couple, and I can tell you just in time for the back-to-school special we may want to get on that website.

     And don't forget, you can order the Faithful Version Bible which I'm Reading Right now, and Occult Holidays.

     So, let's go right to it. Welcome back, Fred Coulter. Fred Coulters with the Church of God out-in California, and Fred's here to say a few things today.

Fred, I really want to say these books that you're sending are tremendous. I mean, the knowledge that's inside these books that you wrote, and it's just amazing. And if we could touch on tattoos today, since I've seen a lot of tattoos around me, I guess, the last six months. Maybe you could touch on what the Bible says about tattoos. But welcome back, friend.

     Thanks for having me back. Mike mentioned that the Christian Biblical Church of God here at P.O. Box 1442 Hollister, California 95024-1442 

We have more books and more in-depth Bible Studies concerning the Bible. Just pure Bible truth for the average person. 

PODCAST Below! / VIDEO Here!

Books that are mentioned in this podcast.

Occult Holidays or God's Holy Days - Which?

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