To Answer Or Not To Answer

Christian Biblical Church of God Jun 30, 2023
10 People Read

GTM - To Answer Or To Answer - By Lindsay Stephens - June 17, 2023

Good afternoon brethren, to those in the United States and the United Kingdom, and good evening to those down under in Australia.

Thank you for this opportunity to speak to you on GoToMeeting. GoToMeeting is an opportunity to learn more about God's word and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

We live in a very hostile world as far as God is concerned. We live in a godless society, which is increasingly more that way. And some skeptics believe that the Bible contradicts itself and was written by men with philosophies and no idea of right and wrong.

And one of those scriptures that they often present that the Bible contradicts itself is Proverbs 26. So, we'll come to Proverbs 26, where verse four; says, do not answer a fool according to his folly. Les, you also be like him. And in the next verse in verse five says, answer a fool according to his folly, so that he may not be wise in his own conceit.

And the skeptics would say, well, isn't that blatant that you, first you answer a fool, and then the next verse, you don't answer a fool, which one is it? Well, I want to emphasize here the importance of tact and discretion because those verses are essential and they are relevant to the right circumstances; like it or not, we have been called into God's church as firstfruits, and whether we like it,, or not, we must interact with people in the world.

During our calling, during our lifetime, we must answer them in the right way as far as our calling is concerned according to God's purpose. So, I emphasize in this message the importance of tact in our expression as we interact with all types of people in all circumstances, of different backgrounds, and of all cultures.

But we have hope, and God has extended that to us. And so we're not the walking dead as described there in Ephesians two. Turn to Ephesians two. Let's Remind ourselves of the state that God brought us out of. Indeed God. God's love saved us and rescued us from this state of existence.

Starting in verse one, he tells us through Paul, and he helps us to comprehend and he doesn't want us to forget this true fact that he brought us out and unto himself, and He saved us for a purpose in which he originally and created man to start with. That purpose is going to be fulfilled in God's overall plan.

But before that happened, this was our state, Ephesians two in verse one. Now you were dead in trespasses in sin. And yes, brethren, we were literally the walking dead. There was no hope for us. There was no means by which we could get freed from that penalty, from that verdict of death, which we had incurred going all the way back to the Garden of Eden.


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