The Way of Adam

Christian Biblical Church of God Apr 27, 2023
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GTM - The Way of Adam – By Albert Jones - April 22, 2023

Well, good morning from North America. Greetings, brethren worldwide.

It's good to be able to come to you this Sabbath morning from here in Michigan and bring a message to the go-to-meeting program. Greetings to you also from all the family here in Michigan. It is wonderful to come together as the opening prayer indicated and have this time to fellowship together as God's family. And I want to emphasize a little bit today about family and the originator of our progeny, man. And so, I will talk about Adam, and we will learn some lessons from him from the very beginning—things that stand out and are referenced in the scripture. But, of course, we will not be able to cover a hundred percent of everything. One couldn't do that, of course, in an hour. But we're going to learn some very valuable lessons here, some things that are brought out in the scripture about our existence as mankind if you will. So, let's turn to our first scripture, let's turn to Romans. So, we'll begin our study in Romans three. Here In Romans three, Paul brings out something that reaches back to what we'll be talking about today, and we'll pick it up in verse...

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