The Rest of The Story

Christian Biblical Church of God Mar 28, 2023
5 People Read

GTM - The Rest of The Story - Russell Kemp - March 17, 2023

Russell Kemp: The Rest of The Story (on YouTube)

     Good evening everybody, and welcome to the beginning of our Sabbath. As Steve mentioned tonight, I hope to give you "The Rest of The Story." 

     At this time of year, we hear a lot of sermons, obviously concerning the Passover, and rightfully so, when we consider the significance of that event.

     And in a little over two weeks, all the baptized members should be taking the Passover. So I'd like to begin by reviewing and summarizing some of these events. And I'll minimize some of this stuff because we repeatedly go through many of these scriptures.

     I hope to introduce some seed for thought, but we need to see where we are to see where we're going. 

     So I'd like to begin with chapter 12 of Exodus, which gives us the details concerning the first Passover because it's imperative to know exactly where we're heading.

     So let's go there as an overview. You know, in verse three, and again, this is chapter 12 of Exodus, and in verse three, God instructs Moses to tell the people of Israel. He said this: on the 10th day of the month, they shall take each man a lamb for a house, and then in verse five, we're told that this lamb must be one without blemish. 

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From A Speck of Dust To A Son of God! - By Fred R. Coulter

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