The Love That Saves The World

Christian Biblical Church of God Jun 28, 2023
5 People Read

GTM - The Love That Saves The World - By Albert Jones - June 16, 2023

So our message tonight that I've prepared is "That Love That Saves The World."

And yes, we are caught up in that as well because of God; we are in the world. We're not of it, but we're in the world. So God's love came into the world, and we were able to access that relationship through Christ. So you might think that I would start my message in John three 16, but not tonight.

We're not going to start there, and we'll get there. We'll get to John three 16. We'll get to First John and get into those scriptures, but we'll get there before the message is over. It's important to remember that those scriptures are significant to us because unless that wonderful gift of grace had occurred and had been extended to us, no one would have access to salvation.

So we are indeed grateful to God. We rejoice in our knowledge and understanding of that truth that it is that relationship, that act of grace that he sent forth, that made that possible. Yes, we would not have a savior if it wasn't for that. We would not have hope. At this point in time, we would still be walking dead, the walking dead in the world.

But we have hope, and God has extended that to us. And so we're not the walking dead as described there in Ephesians two. Turn to Ephesians two. Let's Remind ourselves of the state that God brought us out of. Indeed God. God's love saved us and rescued us from this state of existence.

Starting in verse one, he tells us through Paul, and he helps us to comprehend and he doesn't want us to forget this true fact that he brought us out and unto himself, and He saved us for a purpose in which he originally and created man to start with. That purpose is going to be fulfilled in God's overall plan.

But before that happened, this was our state, Ephesians two in verse one. Now you were dead in trespasses in sin. And yes, brethren, we were literally the walking dead. There was no hope for us. There was no means by which we could get freed from that penalty, from that verdict of death, which we had incurred going all the way back to the Garden of Eden.


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