The Knowledge of God

Christian Biblical Church of God May 19, 2023
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The Knowledge of God - BY Eduardo Elizondo - May 13, 2023

Today we will study a topic of utmost importance and critical in our relationship with God.

It’s the reason why we do what we do. So we’ll see that it is fundamental that we think about these Scriptures discussed today.


     The book of Proverbs, as we know, is the Proverbs of Solomon, with this first section written by a father to his son. We can speculate whether David wrote this for his son Solomon. But in any case, it still applies to us because we are the children of Godas Apostle John says in 1-John 3. We are the children of God, and God the Father is our Father; Jesus said that as He was ascending to His Father and our Father; that applies to us!


     With this context, this perspective, I would like for us to read these verses because these are the instructions of God the Father to us, what we are to do, and how we are to do it!


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