The Inner Workings of God’s Spirit - Part 3

Christian Biblical Church of God Mar 11, 2024
9 People Read

The Inner Workings of God's Spirit - Part 3

Lyall Johnston—September 23, 2023

What is the Holy Spirit? We’ve already seen that the Holy Spirit is not a Trinity. That is a pagan doctrine! It is not the doctrine of the Bible! It has nothing to do with the true ministry of God and His Spirit and the Word from His Son, Jesus Christ.

It is a doctrine that came from the minds of men following the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They’re deciding for themselves through their theology, which a lot of it is based on. Greek philosophy goes right back through Egypt and to Babylonian mystery religions in the days of Nimrod, and particularly his wife, Semiramis, where many of these false doctrines came from. Of course, the whole theme there is the worship of Satan and doing away with God’s Plan, that God is a Family and that God is creating within us His own mind and His own life. Paul tells us in Heb.10 vs.16 that God is writing and giving His laws and commandments to our hearts. The whole purpose of that is to convert our minds, to transform our minds from the thinking of Satan, the devil, to the thinking and to every thought and every word that comes from the mouth of God. This is the battle of the Christian life! We were looking at some Scriptures that Paul has given to us with that very phrase, inner working. In other words, the inner workings of God within His people! Who are the people of God? The people of God are those who obey Him and who keep His commandments! They are the people that God has called out of this world,

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