The Incorruptible Seed

Christian Biblical Church of God Dec 15, 2022
6 People Read

The Incorruptible Seed - BY: Lyall Johnston - September 9, 2022

Greetings to everyone; on this God's Holy Sabbath Day, the seventh day of the week.

We know that God worked six days, but on the seventh day, right from the very beginning of that first week, he rested on the seventh day. He did not rest on Sunday because Sunday represents the first day of the week; when you look at that logistically, it's about as far away as it gets. It's at the beginning of the week, whereas the Sabbath is at the end of the week, and Satan has done a masterful job in deceiving the whole world into keeping his day and worshiping him. 

     The subject tonight, or today, as we are here in the Southern Hemisphere, is the "Incorruptible Seed." 

     Before that, let us consider the past day or two events, as they have encapsulated the attention of most of the world. I'd be remiss if I did not make some comments about this. 

     So we will be talking about the incorruptible seed, but first, let's talk about what happened on Thursday, six-thirty British Standard Time. Queen Elizabeth the second died, and, as they say, the Queen is dead; long live the King. As it is in this case, at the moment of her death, Charles became King Charles the Third and took over the responsibilities of the crown, even though his coronation shall be a little time forthcoming. In Genesis, the third chapter, we find that Satan, the devil, deceived Adam and Eve. We all are very familiar with that, and we have of prophecy where Jesus Christ would come and crush Satan, and we heard, we've heard about that...

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