The Good News of The Feast of Trumpets

Christian Biblical Church of God Dec 13, 2022
1 People Read

The Good News of The Feast of Trumpets - Steve Durham - September 24, 2022

Good afternoon, Welcome to Indianapolis.

Tomorrow night, Sunday Night starts the Feast of Trumpets, the Holy Days The fall season starts, and as we mentioned, The Feast of trumpets, this is not necessarily a Feast of Trumpets message, but I want to focus on something that is a result of the Feast of Trumpets, something that's sorely needed, something that's desperately needed in the world and that is peace. If you'll look at Appendix S in the Faithful Version Bible, in Appendix S it talks about the Feast Days, the Holy Days of God, and I'll just read it to you. Under the Feast of Trumpets, it has the New Testament, Christ triumphs over Satan and all evil. Christ and the Saints returned to the earth from this of your glass.
