The “god” of the World Economic Forum and the Yuval Noah Harari.

Christian Biblical Church of God Nov 06, 2023
10 People Read

The "god" of the World Economic Forum - By Fred R. Coulter - July 8, 2023

The spokesman of the WEF—World Economic Forum—is Yuval Noah Harari. This applies to everyone who doesn’t believe in God.

I’m going to read you some things from a transcript we had made of interviews that he had. You need to read this several times so you really grasp what he’s saying. This will be posted on the website:

Psalm 14:1: “The fool…”

Remember what it says in Rom. 1; those who profess themselves to be wise became fools! Well, we will see that’s exactly what all of the elite are who worship Satan the devil. That’s precisely what the most ‘intelligent’ man that they think of on earth is: Yuval Noah Harari. They’re fools! It says so right here:

“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God!’ They are corrupt…” (v 1).

Think about that! I’ve got a book on how the leading people in the world and the successful ones in the world don’t believe in God.

“…they have done abominable works, there is none who does good” (v 1).

Most people don’t know this, but God is in contact constantly of things going on, on the earth! Jesus Christ has seven spirits that go around the world giving a survey of what’s going on all the time! God knows! God even knows when a sparrow falls; isn’t that what Jesus said? If God knows when a sparrow falls, He knows what all of these atheists are doing.

Verse 2: “The LORD looks down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.”

What are most people seeking after? What they want:

• power

• money

• prestige

• high exaltation

Verse 3: “They have all turned aside, together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, no, not even one.”

Think about that for a minute. Remember when the rich man came to Jesus and said, ‘Good Master, what should I do to have eternal life?’

Jesus said, ‘Don’t...


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