The Flow of Events in Revelation - S.H.

Christian Biblical Church of God Dec 13, 2022
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The Flow of Events in Revelation - How it will all come together! (Second Half)

Fred R. Coulter—October 1, 2022

Report from Probe Ministries {}


Survey: 60 Percent of Born Again Christians Under 40 Say Jesus Isn’t the Only Way to Salvation by RELEVANT August 23, 2021


{transcriber’s note: this was as close to the article I could come to; could not find on}


…of the born-again Christians between the ages of 18-39 surveyed, 60 percent agreed with the statement “Buddha, Muhammad, and Jesus are all valid paths to God.”


Chrislam! What did I say was next to fall? Buddha! You get all of those together and you have three-quarters of all the religious people on earth. A similar percentage of the same group do not believe that God’s Laws are absolute.


Once you get people away from the Laws of God…and who is responsible for that? The very ones who are worried about this thing! That is the older Protestant leaders! What have they done? They have sown the seeds of their own destruction by saying that the laws are done away with, which is saying that they’re not valid and absolute. You see what happens, lies from the Protestant pulpits have sown the seeds of their own destruction!


Now the older ones are beginning to get worried; ‘what are we going to do in the future?’ You better repent and come to God and start preaching His laws and commandments! The reason Christ is coming is because the whole world is going to be worshipping Satan the devil!
