The Flow of Events in Revelation - F.H.

Christian Biblical Church of God Dec 13, 2022
1 People Read

The Flow of Events in Revelation - How it will all come together! (First Half)

Fred R. Coulter—October 1, 2022

Greetings, everyone! Welcome to Sabbath services! This week we spent most of the week watching the hurricane nearly destroy major portions of Florida. We’ve been in touch with the brethren there, and everybody made it through safely. There was a little damage to a couple of cars, but everyone was able to avoid the flooding and the destruction.


Nolan Joseph our elder in northern Florida said that they had a big tree out front, and if the tree would have fallen and hit the house, it would have virtually destroyed the roof, minimum! But the wind came and blew it and it fell right alongside the house and missed everything!


Even in those difficult, treacherous, and dreadful times, the hand of God is always there through His angels to watch over us and protect us. We’re very thankful for that.


Today we are going to have a special message, which is going to be the flow of events in the end-time! How does it all come together?


As I mentioned last week, I actually talked to a man who said that he talked to the two witnesses. Well, the two witnesses, as we will see:


  • must be in Jerusalem

  • must be clothed in sackcloth

  • must be preaching the Word of God

  • must have the ability to call down plagues on the earth at will


I want to read you what I wrote for the Introduction to God’s Plan for Mankind Revealed by His Sabbath and Holy Days. If you don’t have that book, you need to get it. It’s transcripts of the messages along with the CDs and it’s very easy to read and understand.


As I’ve mentioned many times before, today we are trained with a very short attention span. Test your own attention span and see if it’s longer than 12-15 minutes because that’s about the maximum time—sometimes up to 20 minutes—that they have on television up to the commercials.


Here we are in the contemporary world and here’s what I wrote, and this is especially true trying to understand the events of the end-time in a proper chronological setting, which is what we will do today.


from: God’s Plan for Mankind Revealed by His Sabbath and Holy Days: Personal from the desk of Fred R. Coulter


The contemporary world in which we live encourages individual opinions, insisting that everyone’s opinion is of equal validity….”


I saw on television one of the representatives ask one of these modern ‘woke’ idiots who was there to testify: ‘Tell me, can a man get pregnant and give birth?’ He weaseled around and around. But it just showed that his opinion, though completely false, was right in his own mind.


…On the one hand, a person may consider something to be true simply because he or she believes it to be so…


You can just say, ‘I believe it!’


  • Does that make it true?

  • How many people believe lies?


…even when the facts do not support such a belief. A second person, however, may hold to an opinion exactly opposite the first—likewise accepted as fact because he or she believes it to be true….


This is why the Bible tells us, with everything in the Bible, to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good! This is why it’s necessary to know, not just believe, but know that the Bible is the true Word of God!


This book we have, God’s Plan for Mankind… plus what we have with the In-Depth Study: Daniel and Revelation… Let me just encourage everyone to get hard copies of the publications. We have a catalog online and you can order any of them.


We actually had one elder—Steve Durham—come out and visit us and he and his wife wanted to get everything we had hard copy. So, he went back with a car full! I encourage you to do it because we don’t know when they will cut us off. What are you going to do then?


…A dichotomy results in which truth becomes relative….


Too many people apply that to the Bible!
