The Dwelling Place of God #2

Christian Biblical Church of God Dec 15, 2022
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  • The Dwelling Place of God #2 (Day 3—FOT) - By Fred R. Coulter—October 12, 2022

  • *Transcript *Video

    • Greetings, brethren! Welcome to Day 3 of the Feast of Tabernacles!

      Hope you have a great Feast, having a good time fellowshipping with the brethren. If you happen to be at home alone, you’re not alone because God is with you—God the Father and Jesus Christ—and the Word of God and the Spirit of God are there!

      That’s important because people can be in the midst of many, many people, yet, alone! Whatever our circumstances are, let’s thank God for it and continue on with the Feast of Tabernacles.

      This is day 3 for The Dwelling Place of God! We saw that in the beginning, God was living with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Then after they were expelled from the Garden, they couldn’t go back in there. It’s very likely that they would meet God at the East entrance. There they would get instruction from God.


    All of the fall Feast Days for 2022 on The Truth of God Podcast.

  • God's Plan For Mankind (Book Offer)