The Choice-Bondage or Freedom?

Christian Biblical Church of God Apr 16, 2023
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GTM - The Choice, Bondage of Freedom? - By Lindsay Stephens - March 24, 2023

Lindsay Stephens - Hello, brethren around the world.

It's good morning in Australia, and it's good evening in the United States and Canada, and we do wish you all a happy Sabbath. Now, the title "The Choice - Bondage or Freedom?" as it is getting close to Passover; I believe it's relevant.

And one of the greatest blessings that God has given us is the freedom of choice. We have the freedom to be able to live the way that we choose to live. The freedom to worship God and do what God wants us to do. But all too often, oppressive governments have taken away our freedom.

Think of the bondage of the children in is of Israel in Egypt. Exodus 1:8 says that a new king came along, a new king in Egypt that did knot know the children of Israel did not know Joseph and did not recognize what he did for them. Joseph was a national hero, and he saved Egypt and the surrounding districts from starvation.

But this king did not recognize that. And for some 250 years, the children of Israel were put in bondage where they had to serve the Egyptians in hard labor. So the first scripture I come to here we come to is Exodus 2:23, where it says, and it came to pass after many days, the King of Egypt died and the children of Israel side because of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up to God because of their bond...

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