The Biblical Heart - Part Two

Christian Biblical Church of God Jul 12, 2023
15 People Read

GTM - The Biblical Heart / Part Two - By Michael Heiss - January 20, 2023

Before I get into new material, I want to comment because we received a couple of e-mails; good questions and good points.

I want to start out that an individual sent a nice study on God’s omniscience. I appreciate that very, very much.

One thing we have to realize when we talk about theology, we talk about Biblical happenstances and occurrences; scholars come up with words such as monotheism, henotheism, omnipotence, and omniscience... You won’t find those words in the Bible, but scholars come up with them to just try to explain what they read so they can understand it.

The question was:
· Really, is it true that God doesn’t know everything?

· Is it true that God cannot do everything?

The answer is yes because it all boils down to a definition.

We tend to try to make God in our own image in a way. I’m referring to the play, My Fair Lady. I don’t know how many of you have seen it, but it is a delightful play taking place in London and Rex Harrison is the lead part and he has a song in their soliloquy, and he’s talking about:

Why can’t a woman be like a man? After all, a woman is flaky; she’s this, she’s that, but a man is strong and stable!

Finally, he gets down to the nitty-gritty, the very end when he asks, *


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