The Biblical Heart - Part One

Christian Biblical Church of God Jul 12, 2023
26 People Read

GTM - The Biblical Heart / Part One - By Michael Heiss - January 13, 2023

We’re going to talk about the Biblical heart.

We have different concepts of the heart, but I think you’ll find that what we think about the heart is not exactly what God has in mind when He talks of the heart.

We generally separate the heart from the mind. If anybody remembers reading Rudyard Kipling’s famous poem The Ballad of East and West[transcriber’s correction], there was a good movie made out of that. The story takes place in India and opens up with:

Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,

That’s how we view the heart and the mind!

That seems to be the seat of emotions, feelings, romance, sometimes just madly in love. We even have phrases:

· oh yes, I’m with you

· thank you from the bottom of my heart

I don’t know what the top of the heart looks like, but we say ‘the bottom of the heart.’ Or sometimes we’ll say:

· yes, I’m with you with all my heart

These things come, and they’re (inaudible) talking about the heart. Have you ever heard the phrase:

· oh, I’m so warm to the cockles of my heart

Have you ever seen a cockle? If you have or have one, please send it; I’d like to see it! That’s the heart. But the mind, that’s different. That’s discipline, logic, think things through, use your head!

That is perhaps best expressed in a song years ago with one of my favorite female vocalists: Olivia Newton-John; she came from Australia.. She had one of the softest voices of any female artist I ever heard. Her song in particular, was I Honestly Love You. She says:

I got something to tell you

That I never thought I would

But I believe you really ought to know

I love you

I honestly love you

But there’s something wrong with it, and she expresses it. She says...


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