The Beast, False Prophet, and Two Witnesses F.H.

Christian Biblical Church of God Dec 23, 2022
8 People Read

The Beast, False Prophet, and Two Witnesses - Fred R. Coulter - July 30, 2022,- First Half

Here we are and time marches on.

We’re ready to get to August, September, and then October with the Feast of Tabernacles. We’re all looking forward to it. Isn’t it something that while the world is doing what it’s doing, it really doesn’t understand what is happening? It’s exactly like it says in the book of Revelation; that Satan the devil is deceiving the whole world! That means everyone except those who have the Holy Spirit of God and stay alert!

• that’s why there are lies in everything in every place

• that’s why we’re having the troubles that we’re having now

God’s hand of correction is on America.

There are some people trying to do some things that are right, but will that be enough to turn it around? Everything is being presented as ‘it is good for us!' the World Economic Forum—which is very interesting—is run by Klaus Schwab and others.

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