The Battle For Your Heart and Mind!

Christian Biblical Church of God Nov 13, 2023
11 People Read

The Battle For Your Heart and Mind - By Fred R. Coulter - August 5, 2023

We need to think about what we’re dealing with. We’re dealing with a God of Truth, and He’s dealing with us. We have His Spirit, which is the Spirit of Truth. We have His Word, which is the Truth of God, from the God of Truth...

We also know that the Word of God is powerful and works all of the time, whether for good or evil.

So let’s come to Heb. 4 and see what we deal with. Because we cannot take any of the Word of God lightly, and we cannot have flippant thoughts concerning any part of it or prophecy. Here’s what it is, and this is how we will be judged.

We’re going to see, is talking about the Sabbath Day. It talks about the weekly Sabbath—‘sabbatismos’—more than it’s talking about the Sabbath of the Millennium.

Hebrews 4:9: “There remains, therefore, Sabbath-keeping… [‘sabbatismos’ in the Greek everyone knows that that means Sabbath-keeping] …for the people of God.”

It doesn’t say for the Jews! That’s the way that the Protestants and the Jews like to have it read.

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