Roe vs. Wade /Two Mikes with Fred Coulter

Christian Biblical Church of God Jan 03, 2023
100 People Read


Two Mikes with Fred Coulter - Roe vs. Wade (podcast episode)

Hey, welcome back to the Two Mike's Program. You're on with Dr. Michael Scheuer and Colonel Mike, and we always try to bring you, great guests;

Today, we have a guest with us that came on about a month ago in May, and this is his second visit. So he was excited to come on the first time, and he's even more excited to come on a second time because of what went down last week with the grace and the mercy of the Lord by knocking over the heads of the Supreme Court justices.

After fifty years, they overturned a Roe vs. Wade, and we have an idea of what's coming down the pike. So we're returning to the very nice man who was on the first time with us, Mr. Fred Coulter, who's out in California. He's going to discuss what went down last week, and you know what we're facing in our country now that we're two years post-election, and we want to welcome him back and Mr. Fred Coulter, welcome back to two Mikes.

Yes, thank you very much, Mike. Very happy to be on with you. I'm delighted to cover these things from the spiritual perspective because many people look at the causes and the effects, but they do not look at the actual cause because the true cause is found in the Bible. And many people don't like the Bible, you know, and one of the reasons they don't is because too many people have misused and abused it, and people don't care for it...

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