Phase Three of the Return of Christ, Chpt. #52

Christian Biblical Church of God Dec 15, 2022
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God's Plan for Mankind—

Second Edition

Revealed by His Sabbath and Holy Days

Phase Three of the Return of Christ

By Fred R. Coulter

Book: God's Plan for Mankind

Chapter 52 in the Book: God's Plan for Mankind.

Greetings everyone; welcome to the Feast of Trumpets.

     Time marches right along. Here we are with the fall festival season right upon us, and soon we will have the Feast of Tabernacles after the Day of Atonement, and all of these are very important things to God. 

     Remember, the Law of God is perfect, and so no man can improve upon God. We need to remember that, and we need to understand that God is the one who has called us, and we answer the call, but we do the things that God wants us to do his way, not our way. 

     One of the reasons why the Feast of trumpets pictures the most devastating and destructive time in the history of mankind since the flood is because men have not learned the lesson. You must come to God his way, and you must believe God, and you must obey God, and, of course, this follows through with everything that God does. 

     Now let's come to Leviticus is twenty-three, and this is always a test of faith because God put all of the holy days in sequence, naming the day, numbering the day, and counting the day for Pentecost. As a test of faith, do we believe God? Do we love God? And if we do, God will show us and teach us his understanding.

Free Book: God's Plan for Mankind

We're now offering the book with four accompanying CDs, "God’s Plan for Mankind Revealed—by His Sabbath and Holy Days," at no charge and with no obligation. 

More Audio Chapters are available by clicking here.

In this podcast, we have Chapter 52 of the book - "God’s Plan for Mankind Revealed—by His Sabbath and Holy Days"