Partakers of the Divine Nature - Part One

Christian Biblical Church of God Jul 06, 2023
22 People Read

GTM - Partakers of the Divine Nature, Part One - By Eduardo Elixondo - July 1, 2023

Eduardo - discusses becoming partakers of the divine nature based on the book of 2 Peter.

The main points mentioned include the importance of faith and righteousness in obtaining this divine nature, the need for knowledge of God and Jesus Christ, and the process of escaping corruption and developing godliness. The speaker also emphasizes the role of diligence and adding virtues such as self-control, endurance, and brotherly love. The ultimate goal is to have a close relationship with God and Jesus and to live by faith.

Happy Sabbath, everybody. It's wonderful to be with you again.

And as Steve mentioned, we are going to study this topic of partakers of the divine nature. And it was so interesting that in the opening prayer that this very thing was mentioned to be transformed into the very image of God because that's what this message will cover.


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