Overview of the Holy Days, Chpt. #9 FH

Christian Biblical Church of God Dec 23, 2022
22 People Read

God's Plan for Mankind—

Second Edition

Revealed by His Sabbath and Holy Days

Overview of the Holy Days, Chapter Nine (First Half)

By Fred R. Coulter

All the understanding of God's purpose and His plans for us is gradually unfolded throughout God's Word.

I would like to mention that we have all the material in this booklet Rome's Challenge to the Protestants, by Cardinal Gibbon of Baltimore in 1893. We also have it in Appendix N in The Holy Bible in Its Original Order, A Faithful Version. Let me suggest that you read the commentaries before and the appendices after are very vital for your overall understanding of the Bible and the Word of God. It will assist greatly in your study. One of the most important appendices that we have is Appendix Z: Understanding Paul's Difficult Scriptures Concerning the Law and the Commandments of God.

You will see that if you're still using an old King James Version or a New King James Version, or any other version, they carry through all the errors plus, adding new ones that were in the KJV. In The Holy Bible in Its Original Order, A Faithful Version those have all been corrected. (Free Online version

Let's see what we're to do on the Sabbath, and see about the purpose of God.

Psalm 78:1: "Give ea r, O my people, to my law; incline your ears to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in a parable; I will speak dark sayings of old" (vs 1-2)—because they're all hidden in the Bible!

We're now offering the book with four accompanying CDs, "God’s Plan for Mankind Revealed—by His Sabbath and Holy Days" at no charge and with no obligation. 

More Audio Chapters are available by clicking here.

In this podcast, we have the first half of Chapter Nine, of the book - "God’s Plan for Mankind Revealed—by His Sabbath and Holy Days"