Opportunities In Preparing the Way

Christian Biblical Church of God Mar 31, 2023
2 People Read


Preparing for the future; stay in the arena

Steve Durham—March 25, 2023

Greetings from Indianapolis. Very happy to be here. Last week (March 12), we had an elder’s conference, and I’ll tell you that it was the best elder’s conference we’ve ever had. It was very good!

What I saw and heard, I want to pass on to you. However, what stuck with me was an additional opportunity that presented itself to the Church during that conference.

The entire Church, not just the elders, but the entire Church. It was an opportunity for us to continue to move forward and benefit from the labors of those who have come before. What I mean by that is Fred and all the writing, research, speaking, books, booklets, and talents God has put in Fred.

God has made us all individual, and Fred has some individual talents. Fred has allowed God to use him! He’s submitted to that, and he’s been very willing to use those talents. God has taken that, and it’s benefited the Church. That’s the laborers who have gone before. There’s a foundation that has been built, and that is built on Christ.

· Col. 2:19 says that Christ is the Head of the Church

· Eph. 2:20 says that He’s the Foundation, the Cornerstone

That’s what we build on! 


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