One Man and His Inkhorn

Christian Biblical Church of God Jul 05, 2023
14 People Read

GTM - One Man and His Inkhorn - By Lyall Johnston - June 30, 2023

Lyall Johnston -

Greetings to all of God's family; we're all God's children wherever we happen to be at this time, in whatever part of this earth, which belongs to God.

But we know that we're told in many places in the Scripture that we have another god or another being claiming to be God.

In fact, he is the god of this world, but he is not a God. He (satan) is a counterfeit. And because he's a counterfeit, he's also running a very counterfeit type of business, which we know from Revelation 12:9; So let's turn there. We turn there so frequently, but let's never forget who the god of this world is and what he is doing.

Revelation chapter 12, and we know that there has been a war in heaven. We know that. Jesus Christ was watching when the rebellion of Satan came to a head. When he told the people of his day, Christ said, I saw Satan fall from heaven, but we know he still has entrance to God's throne. But that time is limited...


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