Not unto Us
GTM - Not unto Us – By Eduardo Elizondo - April 14, 2023
Eduardo Elizondo: Thank you, Steve, and happy Sabbath, everybody.
As Steve mentioned, the message is entitled "Not onto Us," it's based on the first three words in Psalm 115:1. Please join me there. Those first three words in that Psalm is the title of this message. Not Unto Us, it's important what we read this. Verse 1. Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto Your name, give glory for Your mercy and for Your truth's sake. It is incredible when we look at this and try to understand the scriptures from this perspective that it is not unto us. It is not. The glory is not for ourselves, is not to ourselves, is not to give credit to ourselves and our name. The process of conversion life itself was given to us by God because of his love, but it's not for our glory.
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