The Night to be Much Observed

Christian Biblical Church of God Aug 23, 2024
18 People Read

Night to be Much Observed

Fred R. Coulter—April 22, 2024

Fred Coulter discusses the importance of observing a special night to the Lord, which refers to God's covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15.

Fred emphasizes that God keeps every word He says He will do and that the night is to be observed by all the children of Israel in their generations. He compares the calling to come out of Egypt with the calling to come out of spiritual Egypt, which is referred to as Babylon the Great in Revelation 18. Mr. Coulter stresses the significance of the calling and explains that it is part of God's purpose and grace, given to us in Christ Jesus before the ages of time. He also emphasizes the importance of living a godly life, keeping God's commandments, and being separate from the world. He also mentions the importance of the Sabbath and Holy Days and the fact that keeping them sets us apart. Fred concludes by referencing Jesus' prayer in John 17, where he discusses being given men out of the world and the importance of keeping God's word.

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