Invasion From Outer Space - Part 2

Christian Biblical Church of God Mar 12, 2024
10 People Read

Invasion From Outer Space - Part 2

Feast of Trumpets - Live

Fred R. Coulter—September 9, 2023

Let’s understand something concerning the Feast of Trumpets. The Feast of Trumpets is shown in the book of Revelation, which pictures the return of Jesus Christ.

The seventh trump, which is blown on Pentecost, pictures the resurrection. The return of Jesus Christ is not going to come all at once, because God is interested in repentance, that we all come to repentance before Him!

But for the world, it will be God's confrontation with all of the kingdoms. As we have pointed out, the book of Isaiah especially contains so many scattered things concerning all the prophecies in the Bible that you have to know and understand the sequence of the Holy Days in order to understand when these days come.

Here in Isa. 2, the first part has to do with the setting up of the Kingdom of God on earth and the beginning of the Millennium. Then it goes backward to the time when the Feast of Trumpets is being fulfilled and we’ll read what happens with all of the nations. Here’s what God says:

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