In the Valley of the Shadow of Death

Christian Biblical Church of God May 25, 2023
3 People Read

GTM - In the Valley of the Shadow of Death, The Good Shepherd (Part 4) - By Steve Durham - May 20, 2023

Today we will continue our study of a very well-known chapter, Psalm 23; we are up to verse four. Chapter 23 is probably one of the world's most prominent chapters in the Bible. But the fourth verse is the scripture that many remember most.

It says, Yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me, and it certainly is a comfort when we know that Jesus Christ is our good shepherd to take care, watch, guide, and, lead us in comfort.

It's one of the most often quoted verses. It's, read it funerals and in the mind of many people, verse four, pictures death. But that's not entirely correct. The actual phrase, while it does refer to death, does not directly refer to dying, but rather the difficulties and the dark situations that we all find ourselves in from time to time. As we go through life's journey, as we walk this path we've been called to, it can seem that we have a little bit more of these difficulties than the world in some areas, but that's all for our training and ours.


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