Important Events on Holy Days, Chpt. #8 SH

Christian Biblical Church of God Jan 03, 2023
5 People Read


God's Plan for Mankind—

Second Edition

Revealed by His Sabbath and Holy Days

Chapter Eight - Important Events on Holy Days - Second Half

By Fred R. Coulter

Book: God's Plan for Mankind

Now let's continue with our study today. Let's come to an important event. Before we get there let's do a little rehearsal.

The Sabbath:

  • Is the Sabbath a commemoration of an important event?

  • What does it say in the 4th commandment? For in six days God made heaven and earth!

  • Is that not an important event? That's why you keep the Sabbath!

  • Why is that necessary? Because we're made a little lower than God, after the image of God and we have a mind to do a whole lot of different things!

So, the Sabbath is important that you realize and understand that your life comes from God. Everything that there is, comes from God, and you realize that you live, move, and have your beginning with Him! This keeps you in proper perspective with you and God, and God with you.

Free Book: God's Plan for Mankind

We're now offering the book with four accompanying CDs, "God’s Plan for Mankind Revealed—by His Sabbath and Holy Days" at no charge and with no obligation. 

More Audio Chapters are available by clicking here.

In this podcast, we have Chapter Eight, the second half, from "God’s Plan for Mankind Revealed—by His Sabbath and Holy Days"
