God’s Love for You and Your Love for God

Christian Biblical Church of God Jan 13, 2023
9 People Read

Understanding God’s Love for You and Your Love for God! - By Fred R. Coulter—January 7, 2023

Greetings, everyone! Welcome to Sabbath services!


Last night before I went to bed, I thought I would check the news to see how they were doing in voting for the Speaker of the House of Representatives. They elected Kevin McCarthy, so let’s see what they can do, and see if they will do the common sense thing or are we going to be in absolute gridlock! Either way, it’s going to be interesting to watch.


For us, we’re preparing to take over the world! All of us are preparing to take their places because they don’t do things God’s way! Satan is always in the mix.


  • we need to prepare

  • we need to work

  • we need the love of God


The title of this message is The Love of God For Us; God’s love for you and your love for God. We will see that it’s a wonderful thing that God is doing! A lot of people like to do great works for God: big buildings…


I was watching a special the other day and they were talking about the Taj Mahal and how it was built and everything, how precise it was. Well, that’s going to be gone pretty soon.


Understand that what we are going to do must come from God with His Spirit, and with our full love and cooperation!


First Half/Second Half