God’s Judgment of the Firstfruits

Christian Biblical Church of God Jun 19, 2023
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God's Judgment of the Fistfruits (Pentecost - Live) - BY Roger Tointon - May 28, 2023 

We're going to talk a little about something connected to the day of Pentecost, this great day of the future that God commands us to commemorate and to keep all the days of our life after He opens our minds so that we can know Him and His Plan.

Pentecost has an essential part in the Plan of God. It may have more significance in some ways than we fully realize. There are so many things. God's Plan is so great and big; I know we only see it partly.

We may yearn to know more about that Plan, so we must keep pursuing the Word of God. As we do, do it with the right heart, and God will bless us! He really will!

I'm just going to highlight Lev. 23; it's the only place where God, in sequence, points out every major part of His Plan as far as an outline. He doesn't give all the details by any means, but it does. So, what does He do?

It starts with the Sabbath, goes to the Passover, and then to Unleavened Bread. What is next—and as Fred has eluded to—a great deal of space is listed right there about the Wave Sheaf Offering and the firstfruits. Do you think that's an indication of how important it is to God?

Pentecost pictures the first resurrection, the harvest of the firstfruit, which is very important to God, or He wouldn't spend that much time on it, and it would not be in the order that it's in.

God can bring salvation to men whenever He wants to, but He has a very specific purpose for the firstfruits, and that's why it's so important.


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God's Plan for Mankind—Second Edition

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