Four Difficult Scriptures

Christian Biblical Church of God Dec 13, 2022
1 People Read

Four Difficult Scriptures

Fred R. Coulter—October 8, 2022

Greetings, everyone! Welcome to Sabbath services! If you’re watching the news lately, you’re wondering what has happened to America. Even Donald Trump says ‘we are a nation in decline!’


Remember: God judges all nations all the time! If we keep that in mind, that will help us understand the things that are going on.


We now have permission to print the book, The World’s Greatest Throne by John Fox. I finally got in touch with the man who runs the website: {}: The Covenant People. You have to get The World’s Greatest Throne, order now at


This is something you should read and know along with our book: America and Britain: Two Nations that Changed the Word by Philip Neal, also at That will help you understand what is happening!


When Britain joined the EU, a lot of people said, ‘If they joined the EU then the prophecies in the Bible are not true. But what happened? They left! Look what happened to Britain after they left. Now Queen Elizabeth is buried and Charles III is soon going to be king! So, we will have to see how that fits into the prophecies, as well.


Remember that all the apostles thought that Christ was returning in their lifetimes. They didn’t find out until the Apostolic Age was almost over. That’s when Paul wrote 1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus and Philemon, and how Timothy was to set up and run a congregation.




Today, we’re going to tackle some difficult Scriptures. How do you understand difficult Scriptures? Here’s a rule:


Always start with what you know! Then you build from there; checking back from where you started. Then take another step and double back and check where you left.


It should all agree along the way!


So, we will eventually get to Matthew 19, Romans 10, and Acts 15, because these are areas where the Protestants read them and they say that ‘we don’t have to keep the Law.’


How do we understand it? Let’s read what Jesus said!

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