FOT - The Beginning of the Millennium - What We Will Do - Day 2

Christian Biblical Church of God Sep 15, 2023
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Feast of Tabernacles - Day 2 The Beginning of the Millennium: What We Will Do 

Fred R. Coulter—October 1, 2023

Greetings, brethren! Welcome to Day 2 of the Feast of Tabernacles


Yesterday, we saw that God’s Plan is contained in the Kingdom. The meaning of the Kingdom, the meaning of everything about it, and it’s called in the New Testament, the mystery of the Kingdom of God, which Jesus came to bring to His disciples the understanding of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God!


We put together in a book all the things that are in the Bible, explaining about God’s Plan for mankind! {God’s Plan For Mankind Revealed by His Sabbath and Holy Days}


  • we have God the Father and Jesus Christ

  • we have the angelic realm

  • we have the realm of Satan the devil and the demons

  • we have everything concerning the earth

  • everything concerning mankind

  • what he has done

  • how he has done it under the influence of Satan, the devil


And how that has led to the first coming of Christ, Who was the Lord God of the Old Testament, and He tabernacled among us.


That was a type of God living with his people. As we will see as we go through this Feast of Tabernacles, that’s also the whole meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles: living with God as His sons and daughters, and saving the world!


So, let’s begin, and let’s see what God says. We will look at what the beginning of the Millennium will be like.


Isaiah 46:9: “Remember the former things of old…”—the Old Testament, and everything that is there!


We’re to remember that and understand the lessons and learn the Truth, and then add to it:


  • the Gospel

  • The Epistles of Paul

then the crowning capstone of the whole Plan of God:

  • the book of Revelation, and how it’s all going to come about.


Verse 9: “Remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is none else, I am God, and there is none like Me.”


Remember that the Hebrew word for God is

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