Fellowship in The Faith

Christian Biblical Church of God Jun 15, 2023
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GTM - Fellowship in The Truth - By Tom Fannin - June 3, 2023

We all look forward to the Sabbath, seeing the brethren and the fellowship, studying God's word, and fellowship with God in Christ.

That's what we're going to be talking about today. And the message is "Fellowship in The Faith." But the fellowship we're going to discuss is one that we should be having based on faith, fellowship, and faith.

Well, let's start by asking the question, how important is our fellowship as brothers and sisters in Christ? How important is that? We know it's much needed. And as mentioned in the opening prayer, we see more and more evil going on in this world as we get closer to the end times. And we know what's going to be happening. It's talked about in God's word.

So, the brethren and what we mean to each other and our fellowship is essential, but is our fellowship in the faith? Is that where our fellowship lies? So that's what we'll be talking about in this message.

Turn back with me to Romans. We'll see what Paul wrote here in Romans 1:11; it says, for I'm willing to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift so that you may be established. We know that's what Paul's motivation was as he loved God's people. And love God in Christ. If when he visited or when he wrote, there were things that he wanted to give to them for their edification, they would be more established in God in Christ. And it goes on to say here vs. 12 That I may be comforted together with you through the faith in each one of us, both yours and mine. So, Paul writes here plainly, he needed to be comforted, and so do all the brethren with each other.


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