Examine Ourselves

Christian Biblical Church of God May 05, 2023
2 People Read

GTM - Examine Ourselves – By Ray Murray - March 31, 2023

Ray Murray - March 31, 2023. Hello, everyone. Wherever in the world you happen to be, Happy Sabbath to all.

     This is a particular time of year when our attention is focused on the first of the seasons for God's Holy Days. In particular, we're starting with the Passover and, as we know, all of the Holy Days present. A way of life that God is calling us to, and those who have responded, we are here today and those who are in the process of responding.

        And there are also some, a lot of, most of the humanity is in the case of not responding at all, and even when they hear the truth, it's maligned and spoken against because of the lies that are being promulgated amongst our people over the centuries and thousands of years. And as we know, Satan has deliberately done this to blind people, and God has allowed it as part of his plan.

     Today, I want to give an overview of the way of life, of Passover, of change, of repentance, of what God has called us to, and the first aspect of that is Christ, our Passover, and part of. With the Days of Unleavened Bread, we examine ourselves and get sin out of our life.

     If you turn to First Corinthians 11:26-28, First Corinthians 11, and verse 26, this is where Christ was instituting the Passover, and he gave the symbols, and the Apostle Paul is reminding everybody exactly what it was all about.

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Book Offer:

From A Speck of Dust To A Son of God! - By Fred R. Coulter

The Christian Passover Book - By Fred R. Coulter