Dropping the Negative Strongholds – The Bananas In Our Lives

Christian Biblical Church of God Apr 26, 2023
17 People Read
GTM - Dropping the Negative Strongholds – The Bananas In Our Lives - By Norbert Bohnert - April 21, 2023

Happy Sabbath to everyone around the world. I hope everyone's doing well.

We've just finished the Spring Holy Day season and await Pentecost. So I hope you've had a good week, and the title of my message today is Dropping the Negative Strongholds the Bananas in Your Lives. Now, you may be wondering how bizarre a title, and hopefully Norbert hasn't gone off the deep end. I don't think I have, but I'm using this bananas scenario as an analogy of what I'm trying to get across on the message today. I was reading some time ago about a unique way that monkeys are captured for a zoo, and I read in the article that it strongly portrays something that I want to show to the brethren, something that we can also get trapped into. So I'll give you the analogy to start off. This is apparently a true way of capturing monkeys for zoos. So what they do is take the small cage into the jungle and inside that cage. They place a bunch of bananas, but it'd have to be a bunch of bananas. They close the cage and lock it, locking the bunch of bananas inside that cage. Now as the monkey comes along and spots the bananas in the cage, he will reach into the cage, of course, because he craves bananas through the narrow rungs and grabs the bunch of bananas as a craving for that food. However, in doing so, the monkey cannot pull a bunch of bananas through the rungs of the cage as the spacing on the rungs is too narrow, and he tries and tries with no success, not letting go of the bunch of bananas. Now, even while this occurs and the trappers come upon him, the monkey will not let go of the bunch of bananas...

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