Bible Questions & Answers #3 S.H.

Christian Biblical Church of God Jan 03, 2023
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Bible Questions and Answers, by Fred R. Coulter - July 16, 2022, Pt. #3 Second Half

Greetings, everyone! Welcome to Sabbath services!


Could you please give a sermon on tithing?

Yes, I could, but we have a whole series on it: In-Depth Study: Wealth & Income: The Biblical Truth About Tithes & Offerings

Q—Daniel/Dan not mentioned in the 144,000

What is the reason that you think that Daniel is not mentioned in the 144,000?

When was Daniel the Prophet? During the 600sB.C.! He will be raised when the Prophets are raised. The 144,000 is not until two full years into the last three and a half years. And it’s talking about the tribes of Israel and not individual persons like Daniel.

Also, you noted correctly that Ephraim is not mentioned directly, but he is because Ephraim was the son of Joseph, and it mentions Joseph:

Revelation 7:8:[transcriber’s correction]: “…twelve thousand were sealed; from the tribe of Joseph, from the tribe of Benjamin, twelve thousand were sealed” That includes Ephraim...

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