Bible Prophecy and Colossians 2 S.H.

Christian Biblical Church of God Dec 13, 2022
4 People Read

Prophecy and Colossians 2 (Second Half) - Fred R. Coulter—September 24, 2022

All the pieces are being put in their proper positions for final fulfillment in preparation for the return of Christ!

We’re going to do some surveying, so we will see how the Old Testament and New Testament work together like a hand-in-glove.


Leviticus 23:1: “And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Speak to the children of Israel and say to them, “Concerning the appointed Feasts of the LORD…”’” (vs 1-2).


Go back to Gen. 1:14 where God set the sun and moon in their positions for days, months, and seasons, and appointed feasts. He did that on the 4th day. Some people want to know why He did it on the 4th day. He did this because of everything He created on the 4th day, especially the birds and the things in the water. They need to know where the sun and moon is for how they live and function.


Example: To this day the sea turtles come at the set appointed time of the moon to come and lay their eggs on the sand of the shores. They find their way by the placement of the sun or the moon. That’s why He did it on the 4th day, I think.


“…Concerning the appointed Feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be Holy convocations, even these are My appointed Feasts” (v 2).
