Bible Prophecy and Colossians 2 F.H.

Christian Biblical Church of God Dec 13, 2022
28 People Read

Prophecy and Colossians 2 (First Half) - Fred R. Coulter—September 24, 2022

All the pieces are being put in their proper positions for final fulfillment in preparation for the return of Christ!

Greetings, everyone! Welcome to Sabbath services! Today we’re going to cover a multitude of different things.


First of all, I want to say that this book—In the Closet of the Vatican by Frédéric Martel—is not a pamphlet that we have produced. Martel was a homosexual and was allowed to interview all the top people in the Vatican, and guess what they are? On the back cover is a picture of the pope in a full woman’s dress.


I was surprised in reading it. What he has done is normalize homosexuality in the Catholic Church. Let’s look at what we’re going to face and how we understand right from wrong, good from evil, and a mixture of the two. No lie can really work without some truth! So, we need to be aware of that!


Here is the test, and when we go through some other things, we will end up seeing how far the so-called ‘Christian’ churches are going to placate the world. This is what they’re doing today:


Isaiah 8:19[transcriber’s correction]: “And when they shall say to you, ‘Seek unto them that have familiar spirits…’”

Video - GAB, Video/Transcript - CBCG