Armor - Warfare and False Teachers

Christian Biblical Church of God May 16, 2023
12 People Read

GTM - Armor, warfare, and False Teachers! - Lyall Johnston - May 12, 2023

God's armor is the spiritual armor that God gives to us. God supplies it.

So we go to him for each piece of that armor.

We do not war according to the flesh, and we'll see a lot about the actions of the flesh when we get to the false teachers, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty.

And in the might of his strength, yes, the power of his strength is available to us. We have to ask, and we have to read his word; we have to study his word. We have to pray many times a day, constantly in contact with God as we go through our daily lives to put on the whole armor of God.

Why? Because we are at war, and when we're at war as the soldiers of Christ, the saints of Almighty God. There's no rest. If Satan's not resting, if he's attacking us day by day, by day, ought we not? Then also to, be alert constantly. Absolutely. So put on the whole Armor God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil...

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