Are we Spiritually Unified in Christ?

Christian Biblical Church of God Feb 28, 2023
4 People Read

GTM - Being Spiritually Unified - Norbert Bohnert - February 24, 2023

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I've got a lot of material, and I will try to get through it all today; the title of my message is "Being Spiritually Unified."

I would like to begin with a little introduction that reflects upon the state of the Church of God, of the present time, not only for our selective group here at Christina Biblical Church of God but all the Churches of God that continue to teach from the scriptures and hold fast to the Truth of God as they've been taught and called by God the Father.

So let us reflect upon what we, as a group of people, are doing together, brethren.

What are we trying to achieve as a collective team representing God the Father and Jesus Christ? What allows us to assess where we have been and where we are now? Where do we want to go from this point forward?

Today let us look at a like-minded group point of view, a like-minded group point of view a group of like-minded brethren trying to achieve the same goal in achieving an overall purpose.

First, let us look at some things that we need to address from a foundational point of view; these things must all lead back to that foundation upon which we stand if we are going to achieve that overall goal we all seek; why Brethren, and you've heard this countless times why are we here?

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