Are We Living By Faith or By Reason?

Christian Biblical Church of God Jul 12, 2023
42 People Read

GTM - Are We Living By Faith or By Reason? - By Norbert Bohnert - July 7, 2023

Today, brethren, I will discuss a subject that's come to the forefront many times over our experience in the churches of God.

And we can all relate to this subject to one extent or the other, as indicated in the title of my message tonight. "Are We Living by Faith or By Reason?" let's turn to Luke 18, verse one. It's the parable of the widow, and He (Jesus) also spoke a parable to them that showed it is necessary always to pray and not give up. So this is the introduction to this topic. There was a certain judge in a particular city who never feared God nor respected man, and there was a widow in that city, and she kept coming to him saying, avenge me for my adversary. Now, for a time, he would not, but afterward, he said within himself, although I do not fear God and do not respect man yet because this widow is causing me trouble, I will avenge her. The purpose of this parable is that we don't lose heart, don't give up, and stay close to God through prayer so that we won't fail to endure to the end. Have you, brethren, ever reached the point where you've wanted to give up? I'll leave that question for you to answer...

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