7 Church Harvest #4 Second Half

Christian Biblical Church of God Jan 03, 2023
4 People Read

Seven Church Harvest - By Fred Coulter

This series has seven sermons, each one in two parts.

“The Seven Church Harvest" #4 Second Half

PENTECOST – 2000: Pergamos - Nicolaitans & Gnosticism

Fred R. Coulter – May 20, 2000

Let's read Rev. 2 with the Church of Pergamos again, and let's see why Christ

was so vociferous in His correction of this church. Revelation 2:12:

"And to the angel of the Church…" That means messenger because you can't conceive of a righteous angel being as wicked as this was.

"…in Pergamos, write: 'These things says He Who has the sharp two-edged sword…. [His very word] …I know your works and where you dwell, where the throne of Satan is…'" (vs 12-13).

When you're dealing with where the throne of Satan is and you're living in the very city that is permeated with all of the wickedness of Satan, and you're just bombarded with it day and night, what happens? Your guard let's down!...

This podcast #4 is in two parts. Enjoy!

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