7 Church Harvest #4 First Half

Christian Biblical Church of God Jan 03, 2023
6 People Read

Seven Church Harvest - By Fred Coulter

This series has seven sermons, each one in two parts.

“The Seven Church Harvest" #4 First Half

PENTECOST – 2000: Pergamos - Nicolaitans & Gnosticism

Fred R. Coulter – May 20, 2000

In part 3 of this series, as you'll remember, we covered things concerning the Nicolaitans out of the book, Primitive Christianity in Crisis by Alan Knight.

He did an excellent job in researching and bringing out all of these things and showing that the problems with Christianity today as it's known in the world has it's roots going back to the 5th and 6th centuries B.C., at which time there was a great world-wide reformation of all religions, all the pagan religions; that is called an Axial Period.

This Axial Period developed beginning in the days of Hezekiah when they had astronomical upheavals and the movement of the earth. When we deal you know how that's how the calendar shifted from 360 days to 365-1/4 days. Also, the historical records going back beyond this Axial Period become very hazy...

This podcast #4 is in two parts. Enjoy!

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